Collectiv Resources

The Secret Formula for FP&A Success

Join CEO of Treasury Webinars, Ernie Humphrey, as he discusses best practice approaches to better connect FP&A teams through full-circle collaboration.

Object-Level Security in Power BI

Learn how OLS in Power BI takes the security of your reports and datasets to the next level by monitoring access to features from viewers or end-users.
data governance tool

Data Governance Tools: The Missing Link in Your Process

Redwood Credit Union’s Finance Manager, Josh Stoltzfus, shares his experience with using data governance tools like Power BI Sentinel to support processes.

How to Be a Professional Brainstormer

Empower your FP&A team to step out of their comfort zones with best practice advice from Akshar Finance Director, Tejas Parikh!

Video Round-Up: Power BI Crash Course and Microsoft’s Jesse Todd

Enjoy a Power BI crash course, learn about Power Apps alternate row colors and Analyze in Excel, and see Microsoft’s Jesse Todd on Collectiv Conversations.

How Microsoft Evolved to FP&A 2.0

Learn how Microsoft transformed their finance department through agile, data-centric strategies from Group Finance Manager, Jesse Todd.
FP&A trends 2021

FP&A Trends and Lessons That Are Still Playing Out in 2021

FP&A thought leaders Terrell Turner and Chris Ortega discuss 2020 FP&A trends and lessons that are still relevant in 2021 and share their recommendations.
collectiv video round up

Video Round-Up: Introducing Collectiv Conversations with FP&A Pros

Learn about our new FP&A expert talk show, Collectiv Conversations, where industry experts share insights for building high-performing FP&A teams.

Small Multiples in Power BI

Have you had the chance to utilize the preview version of the small multiples feature in Power BI? Natalie explains how to use small multiples to get big results.
data governance success

How to Build a Power BI Data Governance Success Strategy

Are you missing out on Power BI data governance success? Improve your data governance strategy by understanding what you need to refine and grow.
microsoft teams innovation

Did COVID Accelerate Microsoft Teams Innovation?

COVID changed working environments globally and Microsoft Teams had to act or be left behind. See how the pandemic forced Microsoft Teams to innovate.
fp and a success

Maximize FP&A Performance by Following These Do’s and Don’ts

How can CFOs break information silos and foster a single source of truth? Follow these do’s and don’ts to start maximizing FP&A performance now.

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