How 6 Data-Driven Organizations Are Disrupting Their Industries

Collectiv Case Study

When enterprises embrace a genuine data-driven culture, it doesn’t just transform efficiency and revenue. It also transforms the employee experience and the overall impact employees can make within the business.

Even when the benefits of a data-driven enterprise are clear, it’s common for teams to resist change. This causes enterprise leaders to put off digital transformation, concerned they won’t realize a high ROI due to slow adoption. However, disrupting the status quo leads teams to work more effectively, conquering common concerns like Excel Hell and The Wild West of Reporting.

Digital transformation with BI tools isn’t automatic. But, with the right vision and data strategy, your enterprise will experience a high-impact transformation for the good of the entire company. Adding Power BI to your tech stack isn’t solely about introducing a new tool, it’s about giving modern enterprises the competitive edge they need to disrupt any industry.

Ready access to the metrics, tools, and strategies you need for comprehensive data analysis gives your enterprise the power to become an innovative, visionary leader in your industry. Here are some powerful players we helped do just that with Power BI.

Becoming Scalable with Automation

Leading agriculture data company Aker discovered new opportunities to automate and simplify reporting with Power BI. Before, Aker’s data analysts spend hours designing reports in Tableau to showcase geospatial data for customers.

Aker spent “a lot of time getting very creative and customizing reporting for each of our customers, which kind of worked in previous years,” reported Agronomy Lead Alyssa Cho. “But that’s not scalable.”

With Power BI, Aker transformed its efficiency by pulling together disparate data sets with automated reporting, saving the team hours of work each week. Plus, the robust data visualization capabilities allowed Aker to present reports that clients clearly understood, saving hours explaining reports and transforming the customer experience in the agriculture industry.

Analytics consulting and professional services firm ZS Associates also saw huge benefits from automating data modeling and reporting. FP&A Manager Ryan McConnell discovered that Power BI could provide reports and dashboards with the robust insights available at a glance. That’s exactly what his C-Suite clients need to make rapid HR decisions.

Automated reporting has saved Ryan’s team an average of seven days per report. With Power BI, Ryan trusts that the data his team provides to clients is reliable and presented consistently every month, without tying up all his internal resources.

Saving time and resources has allowed Ryan’s team to scale while simultaneously offering a better client experience. Now his clients know they’ll receive the information they need in a familiar format they can easily digest every month.

Empowering Rapid Decision-Making

Redwood Credit Union (RCU) saw similar scalability issues when Finance Manager Josh Stoltzfus began approaching his data governance strategy. RCU was growing rapidly, but its former data management solution didn’t give organizational leaders the confidence they needed to make fast decisions with credible data.

Josh saw that transformation was needed on two fronts: Creating a scalable data governance strategy to ensure accuracy and designing clear dashboards for rapid decision-making.

Power BI enabled Josh and his team to tell meaningful stories through dashboards and reporting using clean, reliable data. Within RCU, this transformation called for a holistic cultural initiative to eliminate data siloes and create a comprehensive vision for the role data plays in the enterprise.

Ineffective reporting and unreliable data struck spice manufacturing company, Olde Thompson, as well. Once a private equity firm acquired the company, the enterprise discovered crucial flaws in its reporting capabilities. These inefficiencies—like poor data accessibility, inconsistent data, and communication siloes—held teams back from making important decisions with the full scope of data available.

With Power BI, Olde Thompson saved hours cleaning up data by establishing a single source of truth and enforcing best practices through robust processes. Now, with the debate about data credibility put to rest and reporting consolidated into one tool, business leaders could make rapid decisions with confidence.

Transforming Communities with Data

Data governance also played a major role in how Collective Healthcare Solutions (CollectiveHCS) is disrupting the healthcare industry. Collecting disparate data sets from rural health clinics and visualizing the data to notice trends was a challenge for CollectiveHCS before implementing Power BI.

Accurate, automated reporting capabilities allowed CollectiveHCS to tell meaningful stories and present lifesaving trends to its main client, the Louisiana Health Department. With the right tools and best practices, CollectiveHCS is transforming its community and impacting critical legislation to support the health of Louisiana’s rural patients.

International development organization DAI was also held back from its mission to “shape a more livable world” by its data capabilities. Creating financial forecasts and models for each development project with its former financial planning and analysis solution involved tons of manual work. DAI’s processes weren’t flexible or agile enough to support the unique nuance of its projects.

However, with Power BI and strong processes to support the tool, DAI is now able to fast-track planning and forecasting stages, helping them quickly tackle social and economic development issues like climate change and supply chain problems across the globe. DAI’s new data strategy empowers the team to collaborate more effectively and disrupt the worldwide development industry for good.

Start Using Data to Disrupt Your Industry

Cutting-edge innovation requires vision. However, without the right tools and metrics to measure trends, it’s difficult to see the opportunities for transformation when they come knocking. You need both the tools and vision to become a true leader in your industry.

Here at Collectiv, we’re disrupting our industry by empowering enterprises to make a full transformation into a data-driven organization with strategies that go beyond the Power BI platform. With the right support, you can create an engaged, data-driven culture within your enterprise, just like these powerful industry leaders.

Collectiv’s Power BI Visioning Program is designed to help you see the transformative impact of becoming a truly data-driven organization.

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