Do you want to make your data work for you? I’m hoping your answer is a big “yes” because who doesn’t want that?

Every time you pull data from your database and create a report, you automatically factor in time to clean up the data so only what’s relevant makes the final cut. This seems counterintuitive, right? But, it’s just how things have always been done.

We’re here to change that.

In this 15-minute tutorial, I walk you through how to streamline your data querying process using SQL. You’ll learn how to view and use the select data subsets you need through extensive customization options.

The customization options to manipulate the data include: selecting all fields of data, aliasing, the where, from, between, and, or functions, using operators like null and not null, joins, and lastly, filtering the data groups.

The capabilities built within SQL don’t end there. You can order your results in either ascending or descending order—whichever you prefer! And, voila, your report is ready to go.

As you can see, SQL not only saves you time but also the headache of having to sift through everything in your database and cleaning up reports before you can hand them over.

Simply put, SQL allows you to work smarter not harder.

Hope you enjoy this tutorial. Reach out to the Collectiv team if you have additional questions to see how we can support your SQL needs.