Technology and Innovation Resources


5 Power Automate Outlook Tricks to Boost Efficiency

Let’s take a look at the five best Power Automate Outlook tricks to help you get through your to-do list faster and achieve maximum efficiency.

How ChatGPT is Changing the Way You’ll Use Power BI

Are ChatGPT and Power BI a good thing or a bad thing? Learn about its powerful applications and the potential negative impacts on Power BI users.
Power Platform Efficiency

 6 Ways Power Platform Boosts Efficiency in Healthcare

One of the best ways to improve healthcare efficiency is through better data analytics and more effective information sharing. Power Platform can help.
Exciting New Power BI Features For 2023

Exciting New Power BI Features For 2023

Microsoft recently released two Power BI features—App Audiences and Comparison Calculation Measures. See how they streamline content distribution and DAX.
Choose Wisely with This Power BI License Comparison

Choose Wisely with This Power BI License Comparison

Not sure which license you need? This Power BI license comparison guide provides a quick rundown of licensing options to help you make the right decision.
The CFO’s Guide to Crushing 2023

The CFO’s Guide to Crushing 2023

The future of work and technology is evolving rapidly. If you’re a CFO, 2023 is the time to take stock of your progress and take advantage of opportunities.
Power Apps

What the Heck is Power Apps?

Confused about Power Apps? In this Power Apps tutorial, you’ll learn all the capabilities of this powerful tool and understand how to put it to good use.
Microsoft Data Stack Expert

How to Get a Microsoft Data Stack Expert as Part of Your Team

Finding the right talent is an ongoing concern for most enterprises. You need staff augmentation, so one of our experts acts as an extension of your team.
Power BI Obstacles

The 3 Most Common Obstacles Power BI Beginners Need to Conquer

Power BI is an incredible tool, but there’s a steep learning curve. To start this journey successfully, Power BI beginners need to overcome these obstacles.

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